Sunday, March 30, 2008

Yann's farewell BBQ

Depuis le début de l'année, nous remarquons que de plus en plus d'expatriés décident de retourner dans leur pays (un dollar faible, des visas au compte goutte...).

C'est le cas de notre ami Yann qui repart pour la France. Histoire de revoir tous ses amis en une fois, un barbecue est organisé dimanche midi avec ses co-locataires.
Charcuteries, fromages, grillades, desserts (et bien s
ûr vins) font la joie de tous.

Bon retour Yann, en te souhaitant de nouvelles aventures dans le pays de ton choix !

Photos du BBQ ici !

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Wine-and-Cheese Party chez Clément

Saturday night, we were invited to the Wine-and-Cheese party at our friend Clément's place.
The concept is simple: each guest brings some cheese and bread or some red/white wine and share a drink and a toast with other guests.
The party was great and I liked the idea to taste so many cheeses and wines in a single evening...
Clément had also the good taste to add some foie-gras and others pâtés.
However, this is the kind of party you don't want to wear white clothes, accidents always happens, especially when there is a wooden floor...

Photos of the Wine&Cheese Party here!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Saturday, March 8, 2008

10,000 BC

Saturday night movie at the new AMC theater in the Valeo shopping Center.

In the year 10,000 B.C., a hunter (Steven Strait) loses his woman (Camilla Belle) to an evil warlord, so he gathers together a massive army to cross the wilderness fighting all manner of man and beast to find a lost civilization and mount a daring rescue.