Saturday, January 19, 2008


The less you know before going to see this movie, the better it is !
Plus, if you avoid a heavy meal before and you are not the kind of person to have motion-sickness, I think you will enjoy the movie...
I am not kidding. The scenario and the way it is filmed is a first in the movie industry and it is quite..heu...successfull?
You will like it or you will hate it !
Personally, I did not fully enjoyed the movie because of 'motion-sickness'. After half an hour, I started to not feel well. Hopefully, the movie was only 1h24min...
I think they insisted too much on the "home-video" side. But the scenario idea was interesting.
Go and make yourself your opinion.
Also, the end leaves the door opened to a possible serie. Let's see...

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