Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Earthquake in San Jose / Tremblement de terre à San José

It was not the big one but, for the first earthquake I experienced in my life, it was a pretty strong one: 5.6 in magnitude.
quake's epicenter was about five miles north-northeast of Alum Rock, California, and nine miles northeast of San Jose's City Hall, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

8:04 pm: I was at the Beauty Shop. The walls started to tremor. The other person was staring at the electrical equipement. In a first place, I thought the noise was coming from those machines and I was afraid it was an electrical problem and they will start burning... But then, I felt that the table I was laying on was shaking and I said to myself: "Oh la la, this is an earthquake!".
So, I get up and started to move toward the exit. Outside, I could hear car alarms activated.
The strength of the shaking fade but then again, I felt a second tremor. The impression is like you are not any more in a safe building but like in a car that is losing control. I did not think that walls could move like this. I was also surprise that the electricity power was not cut.
Right after the shaking stopped, Jean called me on my cell to make sure I was ok. "Yeah, I am fine." He was at the grocery store near Valley Fair when the earthquake started. He said that people started rushing outside. Products were falling from the shelves. He received a bottle of chocolate dip on the head (hopefully, it was a plastic one) and lot of other products felt on the ground. Then, it stopped. So, he bought the few things we needed and then, walked out of the store. Once on the parking, everybody was leaving Valley Fair shopping center. People reported that when it started in the shopping mall, customers started to panic and rush towards the exits.

Then, I met Jean at home where only a few things on shelves felt on the floor. Apparently, nothing broken or damaged. Now, it really makes you realize that you need to elaborate a plan for when the "big one" will happen. All the scientists agree on that: it is not a matter of IF it happens but WHEN it happens... and they predict it for a very nearby future.. 2008... Be ready!

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