Friday, August 31, 2007

Arrivée à Paris

Ding, dong, ding... "Mesdames, Messieurs, attention.... Le TGV 8618 en provenance de Brest va entrer en gare voie A. Il desservira les gares de Rennes et Paris Montparnasse... Eloignez-vous de la bordure du quai s'il-vous plait..."

That's it: our three days vacation in Brittany are already over. It's time to say goodbye to my familly and take the train for Paris!
After 3 hours travel, we reached the Paris Montparnasse train station. City of love, here we are!
We quickly catched the subway line number 4 to go to the station Reaumur-Sebastopol... Wait a minute: quickly catch?! NOooooo..... Subway connections, and especially on this line 4 are endless, especially with big luggages... I always feel like they make people take a crazy long way instead of doing it simple. They make you going up and down the stairs, and no escalators... Pff, be prepare to do exercise when you visit Paris! That is part of the reason why Parisian people are slim.
Finally, we arrived at the apartment of my friend Giao, which is located in the heart of Paris. Too nice of him to let us enjoy his apartment for the week-end! I must say that you did a great job Giao on the decoration that is typically parisian.

We have barely the time to take a shower and some rest that it is already time for diner. We had rendez vous with a couple of friends at the famous french restaurant "Le Chartier". Always crowded, noisy but very typical and a fair quality for the price.
We met Claire and Mika in 2005 while we were in Hawaii. Back then, they were students. We used to hang-out in Honolulu for a few months until they moved for Australia to start a new degree. In fact, it is the first time since then we see each other again in France. It has been two years and I really feel like it has only been no more that 6 months... Time is flying !
After that, we walked in the streets of Paris to end at "La tête dans les Nuages". It is a place for entertainment with many differents games. We could not resist to a party of 'clac-clac'?! Oups, sorry, I don't know the name of this game. But if someone could suggest it to me in English or French, I will sleep more intelligent tonight...

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