Wednesday, August 15, 2007

An unpleasant surprise

Today, I had the unpleasant surprise to find out that my credit card had been used fraudulently…
Something like three weeks ago already, it was my debit card that was used fraudulently…
What is going on here?

Nowadays, thieves don’t need your credit card to charge merchandise to your account. They only need the card number. I guess they can get it with some program they run and catch your card number when you make purchases on the internet. I read that they can even make a new credit card with your name and number on it.
That is the reason why I always prefer to have my picture on a card.

Another thing I did not think about is all those credit card offers we received by email. Honestly, I receive on average three of them every single day! Come on, this is really a plague.
Well, be careful when you dispose of those mails. Dishonest people can still use those applications in your name. So, you better cut it up into several pieces before throwing it away.
Also, by talking with colleagues and friends, I learned that it happens quite often. Almost all of them already experienced credit card fraud.
A word to the wise is enough!


Giao (GiaoRunning) said...

hello servane, what a pity ! so you loose some money ? In France I had the same misadventure because an african took for 2.600€ of tickets to Bamako. Fortunately, Air France always makes a check when the traveler's name is different than the charge name. I hope you're not without money by the thieves, bisouxxx

Unknown said...

Désolé d'apprendre ça Servane. Effectivement ça n'arrive pas qu'aux autres car bien que ça ne me soit pas encore arrivé, je crois que c'est arrivé une fois à Christophe. Comment les fraudeurs ont-ils pu se procurer ton numéro? Peut-être est-ce parce que tu as fait des achats sur un site spécial. Ou bien parce qu'un programme installé à ton insu sur ton ordinateur le leur a transmis. Il serait bon d'élucider ce mystère.

Servane said...

Merci Giao et FF pour vos posts.
Heureusement pour moi, ici aux US, il faut remplir a complain avec la bank qui fait une enquête et rembourse alors le montant débité. Pour la 2ieme fraude, c'est carrément la banque qui m'a appelée car ils ont remarque des activités suspicieuses faites avec ma carte... Je ne sais pas comment ils font mais ils savaient que c'était une fraude. Ouf !
Je crois qu'en France, c'est un petit peu plus compliqué pour se faire rembourser...